Geek Sync Webcast : First Steps to Becoming a DBA

Presenter: Andy Warren

You started your career as a developer, network engineer, power Excel user, or a report writer which has peaked your interest in systems, solving problems and a new found affinity for data. Then all of a sudden, you’re the company’s newest DBA with a whole lot of questions you need answers to fast.
What does a good DBA do? How does a DBA serve an organization well? What should users expect from the DBA? What skills do you need to learn? Is it ok to compromise on best practices? How do you build a roadmap for you and your organization for data and the role of the DBA? What things do you need to check on every day? Should you change the SA password right now?

Join Andy Warren and Idera as we help you build a vision for what you need to learn and what you need to do to be successful at transitioning to the role of DBA.

Speaker: Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant and trainer based in Orlando, FL, with over 14 years of experience. Focusing on administration, security, and SQL Server patterns and practices, he’s been a SQL Server MVP since 2008. Andy served on the PASS Board of Directors, was a founding principal in SQLServerCentral, and created both the SQLSaturday and SQLRally event models. Andy blogs on a variety of topics at

Topics : Database Diagnostics,Database Performance,

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