Welcome to the IDERA Virtual Education for SQL Compliance Manager. Today we are going to look at SQL Compliance Manager security and how to set up user access. In SQL Compliance Manager within the console, you have an administrative section. On the lower left-hand side of the screen. That has where we will select to go in to configure access. There are a variety of other administrative features. Like configuring alert rules, alert notifications, event filters. And also to review different activities that have taken place through the console. But we are going to explicitly select a login section to view the accounts that currently have access as well as to be able to create new accounts. And provide access to new people who are going to be using this tool. So up at the top, I am going to select a new login. And today, we are going to submit the account SE domain and Linda Frederick’s accounts. So I will place in her domain account. The access we are going to give is the grant access. To be able to view the data. If we want, we can also provide access to the web interface that goes along with SQL Compliance Manager to view through a browser the statistics of different events that are around different activities that are taking place. So after I have defined these settings, then I will select next. And I have the ability here to provide administrator access to this user. Or set them with more of the restricted access of being able to view event data. But not really able to make any changes within SQL Compliance Manager console. So I have selected the restricted access. And I moved to the next screen to see a quick summary view of what it is we have set for the login name. And the access that we have granted. In this case, it is login permission just to view event data not to administer. The last screen is just quickly popping up, indicating that if the account already exists, that SQL Compliance Manager is going to change the permissions correctly to meet what it is we have configured in the wizard. So we will go ahead at this point, select yes. And now, we will see the new account listed. And if we open up the account, we see that it does display that we have granted access. And they can only view and report on auto data. We can set additional security. And really confine what it is that they are able to report on down to certain instances that we are auditing. In my case is the IDERA prod 2014 instance. But if I wanted to add access to this for this individual to be able to see the prod 2014 instance, then I could select that as well. And then down at the bottom, we have the ability to define what the type of access they will have. Can they read events? And the associated SQL statements. Consider sometimes, SQL statements will hold some sensitive data. So we may not want to give them that level of access. We can instead give them the read events only. So that they can see the event activity. They can see who it was that did it from where they were coming from when it happened. But they would not be able to view the actual statements. And then we can just flat-out deny access to different databases as well. So I am going to go ahead and stick with this read events only for these two instances. Actually we need to go to this other instance and secure that data as well. And select, OK. And now that user set. And now, they can install the console and log in just like any other user. And they will have their limited read-only view capability to the event data. So that concludes our Virtual Education. And we will show you how to set up user accounts. Keep your eyes out for other videos coming for Virtual Education. And other than that. Thank you for watching the video. – See more at:
Topics : Database Compliance,
Products : SQL Compliance Manager,