ER/Studio And Purview Integration

Idera and Microsoft have partnered to deliver an actionable approach to Data Product design as part of Microsoft Fabric. The two development teams have produced a first iteration of an integrated suite and are working on a whole roadmap of features that support the move from Azure Purview to Microsoft Purview.
ER/Studio and Purview

Accelerate The Creation Of Your Data Catalog And Make Data Product Design Actionable

Why The Integration Of ER/Studio Team Server Core With Purview Is So Powerful


Kickstart The Creation Of Your Business Glossary

Create a well defined set of related business terms by harvesting terms and relationships from logical models in Team Server.

Synchronize Your Business Glossaries

Whether Purview or Team Server is the master, manage a common set of glossaries which you can map to your models.

Add Your Logical Data Models

We’ve extended the Purview metamodel to accept logical data models from Team Server. Publish business-friendly models of your organization’s information.

Business Glossary in Team Server | Taxonomy

Business Glossary in Team Server with Relationships

Business Terms in Purview and Team Server

Logical Model metamodel in Purview

Logical Entity in Purview

Physical table in Purview

A collection for Data Assets with Physical Assets in Purview

Data Products mapped to Logical Data Models in Purview

Logical Model for a Data Product

Link Purview back to Team Server models


Document Your Scanned Assets

We’ve extended the Purview metamodel to accept logical data models from Team Server. Publish business-friendly models of your organization’s information.

Two Tools Working Together

Links between the tools allow different users to get what they need from the best of both worlds.

Make Data Product Design Actionable With Consistency

Build data product designs in ER/Studio using standardized models and publish them to Purview. Links back to ER/Studio show business friendly diagrams

Empower Your Data Management Today