Aggregate Query
An aggregate query is a method of deriving group and subgroup data by analysis of a set of individual data entries. The term is frequently used by database developers and database administrators.
Making an aggregate query can also be thought of as telling the database how to “group by” so you can better understand and use the data. It might help to think of the database as the “aggregate” and the information you’re looking for as the “query.”
The term “aggregate query” is quite common in nearly all database software documentation. Idera’s industry-leading SQL diagnostic manager solution enables a wide variety of preset and custom aggregate queries.
Take a look at the list below for a brief description of a few common aggregate queries. You can also, however, create custom queries in order to get the specific information you need from a database.
Common Aggregate Queries
- Compute the average value from a numeric sequence
- Count the number of elements in a sequence
- Count the number of records (entries) in a column or table
- Find the maximum value in a numeric sequence
- Find the minimum value in a numeric sequence
- Compute the sum of values in a numeric sequence
- Compute the standard deviation of a numeric sequence