Geek Sync Webcast : Easy Database Security Best Practices

Presenter: Bert Scalzo

Today’s world is all about security and compliance. Databases are no exception. But how secure are databases out of the box? What things should you do for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to harden your databases? The answers may well surprise you. In this session we will review 8 to 12 things you can quickly do to make your database more secure. Most of these are trivially easy, they just require an open mind to accept and implement. The session will show these ideas for security best practice.

About Bert:
Bert Scalzo is an Oracle ACE, blogger, author, speaker and database technology consultant. He has worked with all major relational databases, including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Bert’s work experience includes stints as product manager for multi-database tools such as DBArtisan and Aqua Data Studio at IDERA. He has three decades of Oracle® database experience and previously worked for both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. He holds several Oracle Masters certifications and his academic credentials include a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA.

Topics : Database Administration,Database Diagnostics,Database Monitoring,Database Performance,SQL Query Performance,

Products : DBArtisan,

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