Geek Sync Webcast : Surviving Storms when Migrating to the Cloud

Any cloud migration comes with its own set of perils and potential storms. While we all hope for smooth sailing in any migration, surviving unexpected storms always depends on the level of preparation. Unfortunately, even the most prepared gets an expected downpour and has to manage it. In this session we’ll take a look at some potential issues that might crop up and ways to resolve them. We’ll discuss rollback options and guidelines on when to rollback when things go awry. We will also look at different levels of testing you can do to best prepare for storms that may appear on the horizon. You’ll leave this session with the ability to weather any migration storms.

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John Morehouse

John Morehouse is currently a Consultant with Denny Cherry & Associates living in Louisville, Kentucky. John led the Omaha SQL Server user group for 7 years and is now a leader of the Louisville SQL Server/Power BI user group. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, 2016 IDERA ACE, blogger, avid tweeter, and a frequent speaker at SQL Saturday’s as well as other conferences. In his spare time, you can usually find John on Twitter (@sqlrus) as well as chasing his two young sons around the house.

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