Webcast : SQL Server Performance Tuning – TempDB Best Practices

About this webcast:

Tempdb is used extensively by internal processes and user queries, even if you’re not explicitly using temp tables or table variables. Proper configuration is key for maintaining a server that performs well, and proper troubleshooting techniques are needed for those occasions when it doesn’t. We will cover common query performance problems for queries that use temporary objects.

This session will include:
Configuration best practices
Contention on allocation pages
Version store bloat
Query performance with temporary objects

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Robert Davis

Robert L. Davis was a senior database administrator and technical lead at Microsoft. He had over 11 years of experience with SQL Server, including expertise in high availability, disaster recovery, performance tuning, and data architecture. Robert was a speaker and trainer. He was also a writer for SQL Server Magazine and co-authored “Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring” by Apress.

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